Apr 13, 2024, 07:43 AM IST

8 laziest animals on the planet

Pravrajya Suruchi

Sloth: Perhaps the undisputed champion of laziness in the animal kingdom, sloths spend most of their days hanging upside down from trees, moving very slowly.

Koala: Koalas sleep for an average of 12 to 18 hours a day! Their diet of eucalyptus leaves is low in nutrients and difficult to digest, so they conserve energy by sleeping for most of the day.

Opossum: Playing possum isn't their only talent for laziness. Opossums spend most of their days sleeping, and when they're not sleeping, they're usually moving very slowly.

Giant Panda: These adorable bears are known for their love of bamboo, which is low in nutrients and takes a lot of energy to digest.

Pythons: These large snakes are ambush predators, meaning they wait for their prey to come to them instead of actively hunting.

Armadillo: Armadillos are known for their hard shells, which they use for protection. They spend a lot of time burrowed in the ground or hiding in vegetation, only venturing out to forage for food.

Source: Discover magazine