May 13, 2024, 06:11 PM IST

8 reasons to not use bananas for smoothies

Pravrajya Suruchi

Reduced Flavanol Absorption: Bananas contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase (PPO) that can break down flavanols, antioxidants found in berries and other fruits.

High Sugar Content: Bananas are a good source of natural sugars, but if you're aiming for a low-sugar smoothie, bananas can make it sweeter.

Masking Flavors: Bananas have a strong flavor that can overpower more delicate fruits, especially in smaller quantities.

Fast Browning: Chopped bananas can brown quickly, affecting the smoothie's visual appeal.

Not as High in Fiber: While bananas do have some fiber, some other fruits might be better choices if boosting fiber intake is a priority in your smoothie.

Potential for Creamy Texture Overload: Bananas are great for creating a creamy texture, but too much can make the smoothie thick and heavy.

Limited Variety: Relying solely on bananas can make your smoothie routine monotonous.

Possible Allergies/Intolerances: While rare, some people have banana allergies or sensitivities.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports