Apr 25, 2024, 11:58 AM IST

When does your blood sugar level require insulin?

Pravrajya Suruchi

Type 1 Diabetes: People with type 1 diabetes lack the ability to produce insulin, making it essential for survival.

High A1C Levels: An A1C test reflects average blood sugar control over 2-3 months. 

Frequent High Blood Sugar Readings: Repeatedly exceeding target blood sugar levels might necessitate insulin.

Uncontrolled Diabetes: If lifestyle changes and oral medications fail to adequately control blood sugar, insulin may be necessary.

Pregnancy: Gestational diabetes, occurring during pregnancy, often requires insulin to manage blood sugar.

Medical Conditions: Severe illnesses, surgery, or other medical conditions can temporarily disrupt blood sugar control, requiring insulin.

Ketoacidosis: This life-threatening complication of diabetes, characterized by high blood sugar and ketones.

Doctor's Recommendation: Ultimately, your doctor will determine the need for insulin based on your individual health.