Apr 4, 2024, 09:31 AM IST

10 essential health supplements you may need daily

Sonali Sharma

Multivitamin contains essential vitamins and minerals, especially if your diet is lacking in certain nutrients.

Omega-3 supplements can support heart heart and brain function.

Vitamin D supplements maintain bone health and support immune function

Calcium supplements can be taken who have low calcium intake or those at risk of oestoporosis.

Vitamin B12 supplements are important for nerve function and the production of red blood cells.

Iron supplements are important for those who have anemia or iron deficiency.

Magnesium supplements are important for people with diabetes, hypertension and people with migraine.

Zinc supplements are important for wound healing, immune system, and protein synthesis.

Vitamin C supplements works as an antioxidant and is necessary for immunity, healing and proper functioning of hormones and nerves

Probiotics boosts immunity, preventing diarrhea and allergies. It also keeps the heart and brain healthy.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.