Jul 13, 2023, 11:06 AM IST

Laziest creatures of the animal kingdom



Sloth tops the list of being the most laziest animal found on earth. Reason being that they have low metabolic rate which makes them move in a sluggish pace through the trees. They are slow creatures who have the tendency to sleep for 20 hours a day.

Giant panda

Pandas too have low metabolic rates. At the same time, they have relatively smaller brains, livers and kidneys which leads to their low energy levels.

Male lion

Well, the king of the jungle does fall under the list of being lazy. They are resting for most of the day and female lions mostly brings the prey for them. But it won’t be entirely true to call them lazy. They are active at times and majorly stay in the habitat to protect the pride’s territory.


 Yes, they are cute but lazy also, majorly because of their low energy diet. They are awake only for two to six hours a day. 

House cat

If you have a cat then you would know that they are a lazy breed. You would usually find them lying on your sofa who have the tendency to sleep for 16 hours a day, which is almost twice of Human's sleeping period.