Mar 17, 2023, 05:32 PM IST

‘Plastic’ rocks found on remote Brazilian Island, full details

Maitry Kothari

Scientists have been interested in the geology of Brazil's volcanic Trindade Island, but recent discoveries of plastic debris-made rocks in this remote turtle refuge have raised concerns.

Researchers say the intertwining of melted plastic with rocks on the island, 1,140 kms from the southeast state of Espirito Santo, is proof of humans growing on the earth's natural cycles.

According to Fernanda Avelar Santos, a geologist at the Federal University of Parana, this is brand-new and alarming all at once because pollution has affected geology.

Santos and the team identified pollution mainly from fishing nets. The nets get accumulated around the beach and with the rise in temperature, the plastic melts and mixes with the organic material on the beach.

Santos believes that the finding raises questions about how humans are affecting the ecosystem.