Aug 1, 2023, 11:36 AM IST

Animals that can survive the longest without food


Hard to believe but Tardigrade can go on without food for 30 years. Tardigrade metabolism slows down to almost 0.01% and their water levels also drop to 1% which makes them survive without food for as long as 30 years.

Tardigrade (30 years)

Olm can lower their metabolic rates so that they can last without food for a decade.

Olm (10 years)

Well, the deadly predator can live without food for months. Crocodiles save a lot of energy by moving slowly, and sometimes also by not moving at all. In extreme cases, crocodiles can also survive without food for three years.

Crocodile (3 years)

Due to slow metabolism and ability to store large amounts of water can make them survive without food for a year.

Galápagos tortoises (1 year)

Burrowing frogs can survive without food for a year by being buried in the mud.

Burrowing Frogs (1 years)

Ball Python (6 months)

Ball pythons have slow metabolism and can save enough energy for them to survive without food for six months.

Bears can go on without food, water, defecation and even urination for more than 3 months.
