Nov 16, 2023, 12:04 PM IST

7 successful cave rescues in the world

Deepika Shakya

Tham Luang Cave Rescue, Thailand (2018)

Twelve young soccer players and their coach were trapped in the Tham  Luang Nang Non cave complex due to heavy rains

Nutty Putty Cave Rescue, USA (2009)

 John Jones became stuck in Nutty Putty Cave while exploring its narrow passages. Jones tragically lost his life

Sarawak Chamber Expedition, Malaysia (1981)

Cavers Peter Smart and Dave Checkley were stranded due to flooding. A multinational team successfully rescued them after several days, navigating through the extensive cave system

Rescue in the Mammoth Cave System, USA (1925)

 The prolonged rescue efforts gained national attention, showcasing the challenges of cave exploration and the determination of those involved in the rescue

Eiskogel Cave Rescue, Austria (2016)

Two experienced cavers were trapped by rising water levels in Eiskogel Cave

Gouffre Berger Cave Rescue, France (1952)

Pierre Chevalier and his team faced challenges while exploring the deep Gouffre Berger Cave

El Capitan Cave Rescue, USA (2015)

Skilled cave rescuers executed a challenging operation to bring all the trapped individuals to safety