Sep 13, 2023, 05:51 PM IST

7 animal’s milk that humans drink (other than cows, buffaloes and goats)



For centuries, camel milk has been consumed in the countries of  Middle East , North Africa and parts of Asia. Camel milk is high in antioxidants which may further help prevent severe diseases like cancer, heart diseases and diabetes.

Sheep milk is widely consumed across European countries including in Turkey, Greece and Eastern Europe. In comparison to cow's milk, they are richer in vitamin A, B, E and calcium.


The local herdsmen living in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau have had their ancient routes of drinking yak's milk. It is a good source of amino acids and apparently contains higher protein quality than cow's milk.


People living in the northern Eurasia and the Taiga consume reindeer milk. Proteins and fat are found rich in reindeer milk.


Donkey milk is widely consumed across European countries such as Spain, Italy, France and Portugal. Donkey milk carries high content of lactose and whey proteins.   


People from the Central Asia has had it's traditional routes of consuming horse's milk. In comparison to cows milk, female horse's milk contains higher percentage of whey protein.


Moose milk is consumed or used for making cheese in countries like Canada, Russia and Sweden, out of which Canada also shares some historic celebratory events with the milk. Apart from being a great source of calcium, it is also a rich source of iron.
