Jul 12, 2024, 07:50 PM IST

What happened to the wives of Mughal emperors after their death?

Shweta Singh

Upon the emperor's death, his wives entered a period of mourning. This period could last for months or even years, depending on the traditions and customs of the time.

The status of the widows varied depending on their rank and the successor's policies. Senior wives often retained more privileges and influence compared to junior wives.

The custody of minor children could be a contentious issue. In some cases, the mother retained custody, especially if she was influential or the child was in line for succession.

Many widows retired to the harem or specific palaces designated for them. These spaces provided them with comfort and protection.

Widows typically received maintenance and support from the imperial treasury or endowments left by their deceased husband.

The marriages of Mughal emperors often had political significance. After the emperor's death, widows might be used strategically to maintain alliances or forge new ones through marriages with other nobles or rulers.

Some widows engaged in religious activities, including patronage of mosques, shrines, and charities, which enhanced their prestige.

Senior widows sometimes wielded significant influence over the succession of the next emperor, especially if they had sons or if they were able to influence the choice of the next emperor through alliances with powerful nobles.