Jul 27, 2024, 03:32 PM IST

Human-sized bird which eats baby crocodiles

Pravrajya Suruchi

The shoebill is a remarkable bird known for its imposing size and unique appearance.

Human-sized: Shoebills can reach heights of up to five feet, making them one of the tallest birds in the world. Their stature is comparable to that of an average human.

Powerful beak: Equipped with a massive, shoe-shaped bill, the shoebill is capable of delivering a powerful bite.

Diet: While fish is their primary food source, shoebills are opportunistic feeders and are known to prey on reptiles, including baby crocodiles.

Habitat: These enigmatic birds inhabit swamps and marshes in East Africa, where they blend seamlessly into their surroundings.

Solitary nature: Shoebills are typically solitary creatures, preferring to live alone in their wetland homes.

Slow-moving hunter: Despite their size, shoebills are patient ambush predators. They remain motionless in the water until their prey comes close enough to strike.

Conservation status: Due to habitat loss and human encroachment, shoebills are classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports