Feb 26, 2024, 09:44 AM IST

8 carnivorous plants that eat meat

Srishty Choudhury

Carnivorous plants are a fascinating group of organisms that have evolved to attract, trap, and digest prey. Here are eight examples of carnivorous plants:

Venus Flytrap

Perhaps the most well-known carnivorous plant, the Venus Flytrap uses its hinged leaves to snap shut when triggered by a prey item. The plant then releases digestive enzymes to break down the insect.

Pitcher Plant

Pitcher plants are known for their modified leaves that form a hollow pitcher filled with digestive fluids. Prey is attracted to the nectar lining the rim of the pitcher, then falls in and is digested by the plant.


Sundews have sticky glandular hairs on their leaves that trap and digest insects. The plant then absorbs the nutrients from the prey.

Cobra Plant

The cobra plant is a pitcher plant that has a unique shape resembling a cobra with its hood spread. Insects are attracted to the mouth of the pitcher and are digested by the plant.


Bladderworts have small bladders on their submerged leaves that are under negative pressure. When prey triggers tiny hairs on the bladder, it is sucked in and digested by the plant.


Butterworts have glandular leaves that secrete sticky mucilage to trap and digest prey. The plant then absorbs the nutrients from the dissolved prey.

Waterwheel Plant

The waterwheel plant is a free-floating aquatic plant with trap leaves arranged in a whorl. When an insect touches the sensitive hairs inside the trap, it closes shut, trapping the prey.

Tropical Pitcher Plant

The tropical pitcher plant has a pitcher-shaped trap filled with digestive fluids. Insects are attracted to the nectar inside the pitcher and fall in, where they are digested by the plant.