May 16, 2024, 04:42 PM IST

8 dog breeds that dislike human company

Pravrajya Suruchi

Shiba Inu: These independent and dignified dogs are known for their loyalty to their family but can be reserved with strangers.

Chow Chow: Chow Chows are known for their unique lion-like appearance and their independent personalities.

Afghan Hound: These graceful sighthounds are known for their regal demeanor and independent spirit.

Akita Inu: Akitas are loyal and protective dogs but can be stubborn and independent.

Basenji: Nicknamed the "barkless dog" due to their yodeling vocalizations, Basenjis are known for their intelligence.

Norwegian Elkhound: These Spitz-type dogs were bred for hunting and are known for their independent streak and strong prey drive.

Samoyed: While Samoyeds have a friendly and playful personality, they can also be independent thinkers.

Schipperke: These small, alert dogs are known for their intelligence and loyalty. However, they can be stubborn and require consistent training and socialization.

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