Jul 8, 2024, 11:33 PM IST

7 animals where females rule the roost

Pavan Naidu

While many may assume males to be the dominant gender, there are several species where females take the lead.

Lionesses in a pride are the primary hunters, working together to provide food for the group. Their strong social bonds and hunting skills make them essential for the pride's survival.


In spotted hyena clans, females are larger and more aggressive than males, exerting dominance over the group.

Spotted Hyenas

Bonobo societies are female-dominated, with females forming strong social bonds and using alliances to maintain control. 


Female orcas are the primary caregivers and decision-makers within the group.

Orca Whales

In a beehive, the queen bee is the central figure, laying eggs and maintaining the hive's harmony. 


Female spiders are often larger and more powerful than males. They take charge of hunting, mating, and protecting their offspring.


Elephant herds are led by the oldest and most experienced female, known as the matriarch. She guides the group to water sources and also ensures their safety.
