Mar 26, 2024, 05:06 PM IST

Why memory fades as we grow older

Deepika Shakya

Memory fades as we grow older due to several factors

As we age, structural and chemical changes occur in the brain, affecting memory processes. 

Brain Changes

Aging can result in reduced blood flow to the brain, which may impair memory formation

Reduced Blood Flow

Hormonal changes associated with aging can affect brain function, including memory processes.

Hormonal Changes

Levels of certain neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers in the brain, may decrease with age, impacting memory function.

Neurotransmitter Decline

Over time, cells in the brain may become damaged due to factors such as oxidative stress and inflammation

Cell Damage

Genetic factors can play a role in age-related memory loss, with some individuals

Genetic Factors

Factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, chronic stress, and inadequate sleep can contribute to memory decline as we age.

Lifestyle Factors

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