Feb 25, 2024, 07:16 PM IST

Paneer vs Tofu vs Soya: Which is healthier and contains more protein?

Jaisal Kaur

Paneer, also called cottage cheese is made of milk protein.

Tofu is made from soy and does not contain animal-based ingredients.

Soya (chunks or granules) is another great vegetarian source of protein and it is a calorie-light substitute for paneer.

With fewer calories, tofu and soya have significant calcium and protein, which is good for weight loss.

They are suitable for vegans and beneficial for people who are lactose intolerant.

While, Paneer contains more protein, calories, and fat by weight.

If you don’t care much about calories and want to build muscle or just fulfil your protein target, go for paneer.

But if your concern is to lose weight, then soya and tofu are a great option that gives you decent protein too!

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