Apr 10, 2024, 06:33 PM IST

Home remedies to get rid of body odour

Deepika Shakya

Here are some home remedies to get rid of body odorĀ 

ake a bath with soap and water daily to wash away bacteria and sweat that cause odor.

Regular Bathing

Apply diluted apple cider vinegar to your underarms or other odor-prone areas to kill bacteria and neutralize odor.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Sprinkle baking soda on your underarms or add it to your bathwater to absorb odor and keep skin pH balanced.

Baking Soda

Apply lemon juice to your underarms to kill odor-causing bacteria and leave a fresh scent.

Lemon Juice

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water and apply it to odor-prone areas to kill bacteria and fight odor.

Tea Tree Oil

Apply witch hazel to your underarms to shrink pores and reduce sweating, which can help control body odor.

Witch Hazel

Boil rosemary leaves in water, let it cool, and use the solution as a natural deodorant to mask body odor.


Body odor can be embarrassing, but there are several simple home remedies you can try to combat it.