Mar 3, 2024, 08:23 AM IST

Foods to eat after 8 pm for weight loss

Ritik Raj

Soaked Almonds: Packed with nutrients and low in calories, almonds help maintain body mass index, reduce belly fat, and rebuild muscles. 

Eggs: Consuming eggs at night provides the body with healthy protein, antioxidants, phosphorus, and vitamins B6 and 12. 

Peanut Butter: Packed with protein and high in tryptophan, peanut butter helps you fall asleep and builds muscle. 

Yogurt: Packed with calories and protein, yoghurt works wonders for muscle growth while you sleep.

Oats: Oats can be ground, combined with flour, and used to make rotis, oat idli, and oat cheela. They can also be eaten with spicy khichdi. 

Brown bread: Being the best food for burning fat, brown bread is not heavy and can help with weight loss. 

Cheese: Consuming casein-rich cheese will prevent you from experiencing constant hunger pangs. 

Banana: Eating a nutrient-dense banana will help you fall asleep deeply and lose weight fast. 

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.