May 21, 2024, 09:09 AM IST

Foods to avoid eating with tea

Ritik Raj

Sugary foods: Due to the instantaneous spike in blood sugar that tea causes, pairing sweet treats like cakes and chocolates with it may not be a good idea.

Acidic foods: Avoid pairing tea with foods that are high in acidity, such as lemon, orange, and other citrus fruits.

Salted Snacks: When combined with tea, salty snacks like chips and salted almonds are thought to be very bad for the body.

Fried Foods: Tea should not be served with besan or gramme flour. The body finds it more difficult to process fatty meals all at once.

Dairy products: Tea's antioxidant qualities are diminished by items like milk, cream, or curd. It is best to drink black or green tea instead of milk tea.

Fruit salad: Fruits are one of the best sources of nutrients when eaten on their own, but when combined with tea, they can become toxic.

Iron-rich foods: Tea contains oxalates, which can interfere with the absorption of iron from foods high in iron. As a result, foods high in iron do not go well with tea.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.