Jun 17, 2024, 12:35 PM IST

Foods that shouldn't be eaten with tea

Ritik Raj

Fruit salad: Alone, fruits are among the healthiest foods available, but combined with tea, they can become harmful.

Foods high in acidity: Steer clear of combining tea with foods high in acidity, such as citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.

Salted Snacks: It is widely believed that salty snacks, such as chips and salted almonds, are extremely unhealthy when consumed with tea.

Fried Foods: Gramme flour or besan should not be used to serve tea. The body has a harder time processing large, fatty meals at once.

Sugary foods: Tea can quickly raise blood sugar levels, so it is not a good idea to drink it with sweet treats like cakes and chocolates.

Dairy products: Products such as milk, cream, or curd reduce the antioxidant properties of tea. Milk tea should be avoided in favour of black or green tea.

Iron-rich foods: Oxalates found in tea may prevent some foods high in iron from being absorbed. Foods high in iron therefore do not pair well with tea.

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.