Mar 1, 2024, 06:45 PM IST

8 weight loss tips for people who has desk job

Khushi Patel

Move More, Sit Less

Make movement a part of your workplace by standing up, stretching, or taking quick office strolls. To offset the consequences of extended sitting, set a reminder to get up and move every hour

Carry Nutrient-Dense Snacks

To keep you full and stop mindless snacking on unhealthy options, carry nutrient-dense snacks like nuts, fruits, and veggies to fend off vending machine temptations

Remain Hydrated

To stay hydrated and prevent confusing thirst for hunger, keep a water bottle at your desk and sip water throughout the day. Additionally, water consumption can improve weight loss efforts by reducing cravings

Select Balanced Meals

Arrange and prepare lunches that are rich in veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. For better control over portion sizes and nutrient consumption, choose home-cooked meals over fast food or takeaway

Exercise Portion Control

Pay attention to serving sizes, particularly when dining out or having a desk snack. Use smaller bowls and plates to help manage servings and stop overindulging

Schedule Active Lunch Breaks

Make the most of your lunch break by getting moving. To increase energy and burn calories, go for a fast workout, sign up for a local fitness class, or go for a brisk stroll

Workplace Workouts

To keep yourself moving during the day, incorporate easy workouts into your workplace routine. To activate muscles and enhance circulation, try chair squats, leg lifts while seated, or desk stretches

Make Sleep a Priority

To help with weight loss, try to get between seven and nine hours of good sleep every night. A body that gets enough sleep is better able to control hormones that control appetite, handle stress, and choose healthier foods throughout the day

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