Mar 24, 2025, 10:41 AM IST

8 skincare tips of gym enthusiasts

Monica Singh

Here are some skincare tips for the people who go to gym or are gym rats.

You need to always stay hydrated during your workout. When you exercise, your skin loses water by sweating. This makes your skin dehydrated, causing dead skin cells to accumulate, which then can lead to clogged pores. Bring a water bottle and make sure to remind yourself to rehydrate throughout your workout.

Remember to rehydrate

If you have long hair, it is a good idea to pull it back away from your face. You can use a headband or pull your hair into a ponytail. If you use a headband, make sure to pull it further back in your hairline. This will prevent breakouts on your forehead. Your sweat as well as any potential hair products can clog your pores and lead to acne.

Pull your hair back

You may not notice it but your hands may be touching your face during your workout. If you have not washed your hands, there is a high chance that you can transfer bacteria from your hands onto your face.

Avoid touching your face

Bacteria can be found all over the gym. You can’t see it but it’s there. To avoid skin infections and acne, you should wash your hands with soap. Check if your gym has hand sanitizer available. You can also make sure the machine is wiped down before and after you use it.  

Wash your hands with soap

After your workout, you will need to wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Choose a cleanser that have ingredients such as glycolic acid or tea tree oil. These ingredients can prevent your pores from clogging.

Clean your face after working out

Don’t forget to change out of your sweaty clothes after your workout. When you sweat, all of your toxins come out and gets soaked into your clothes. If you don’t change your clothes, the pores on your body can get clogged, leading to body acne. Make sure to shower and change into clean clothes.

Change your clothes immediately

If you decide to shower at the gym, you may want to wear rubber flip-flops while showering. Bacteria can circulate on the floors of the showers. Not just bacteria but there can be fungus, mold or algae growing in the corners of the shower. Keep your feet clean by wearing waterproof shoes while you shower.

Wear flip-flops when you shower

As you know by now, your skin needs to be hydrated. To make sure it is fully hydrated, moisturise your face and body after washing and showering. Make sure to choose a moisturiser that is right for your skin.

Provide your skin with moisturiser