Feb 7, 2025, 12:49 AM IST
The day the world celebrates as the day of love, on that day, someone was hanged.
He was none other than St Valentine, who was a 3rd century Roman Catholic priest.
He was a hopeless romantic and believed in love and unification of lovers.
At that time ruled a king, Claudius II, who believed that married men could not be good warriors because they kept thinking too much about their wives and families.
But Saint Valentine did not agree with this. That’s why he secretly used to marry young couples.
When Claudius found out about this, he put Saint Valentine in prison and ordered his execution.
When Valentine was arrested and imprisoned for his actions, it is believed that he showed great kindness to his fellow prisoners and even the blind daughter of his jailer.
According to legend, the Saint restored the girl's sight, and before his execution, he wrote her a letter, signing it “From Your Valentine.”
Valentine was executed on February 14th, 270. Two centuries later, his execution day was declared as St. Valentine's Day.
However, most of us don't know the actual story of St. Valentine