May 16, 2024, 06:53 PM IST

10 most endangered species in India

Pravrajya Suruchi

The majestic Bengal tiger is the national animal of India. Sadly, their population has dwindled due to poaching for their skins and body parts.

Once widespread across Asia, the Asiatic lion is now restricted to a small sanctuary in Gir National Park, India. Habitat loss an

The elusive snow leopard is found in the high mountains of the Himalayas. They are threatened by poaching for their fur, as well as habitat loss due to climate change.

The one-horned rhinoceros, also known as the Indian rhino, is a large herbivore found in northern India. They are poached for their horns.

The blackbuck is a graceful antelope found in the grasslands and scrublands of India. Their populations have declined due to poaching for their meat and horns.

The lion-tailed macaque is an endangered primate found in the Western Ghats of India. Habitat loss due to deforestation is the biggest threat to this species.

The great Indian bustard is a large, flightless bird found in the grasslands of India. They are threatened by habitat loss due to agriculture.

The Ganges river dolphin is a freshwater dolphin found in the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in India. Pollution, and accidental entanglement in fishing gear are major threats.

Disclaimer: This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports