Sep 17, 2023, 07:24 AM IST

10 inspiring quotes from PM Modi


“India does not need to become anything else. India must become only India. This is a country that once upon a time was called the golden bird.”

“Each one of us has both; good and evil virtues. Those who decide to focus on the good ones succeed in life.”

“Hard work never brings fatigue. It brings satisfaction.”

“Failures should never become a hindrance in the learning process. Instead, we must learn from our failures to strive and overcome challenges in our lives.”

“In a long life, an exam is just one of the opportunities to challenge yourself. The problem arises when you look at it as the end of all your dreams, as a life-and-death question. Take any exam as an opportunity. Actually, we must keep looking out for such challenges rather than run away from them.”

“Self-confidence is very important. It’s not a pill or herb. There is no tablet that can be consumed for instant confidence. We have to build it every day.”

“India is a youthful country. A country with such a major percentage of youth has the capability to change not only its own but the fate of the entire world.”

 “People’s blessings give you the power to work tirelessly. The only thing required is commitment.”

“Knowledge is limited to things that you are already familiar with. But creativity takes you further than knowledge onto a larger canvas. Creativity can take you to new areas where nobody else has ventured before.”

“No matter at what speed I move forward, I am never satisfied. If today I run at a speed of 100, I keep an aim of running at 200. World has gone far ahead and we need to match that level.”