May 30, 2024, 12:28 PM IST

9 tips to prevent nosebleeds in summer

Prachi Prakhar

 During sunny days, it is really important to remain hydrated all the time. Being hydrated means preventing your nose from being dried out. 

You can inhale steam, at least one time a day, this will keep your nostrils moist and prevent it from bleeding.

Vitamin C gives strength to blood vessels. So, in summers, it is always recommend to take vitamin C rich foods.

By increasing your zinc intake just by adding whole-wheat to your everyday diet, keep your blood vessels healthy.

Dry nasal cavity is the main reason of nose bleeding. So, you can also opt for some moisturizer by consulting your doctor.

 Avoid smoking cigarettes because it will make your nostrils more dry and causes irritation. 

 You can also hold some ice cubes on your nose to keep it cool.

 Keep your nose cover through handkerchief or a cotton cloth to avoid hot air of outside.

 Have something healthy to keep your nostrils healthy and hydrated. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.