May 30, 2024, 05:48 PM IST

8 nutritious foods to combat thyroid issues

Prachi Prakhar

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, when it is underactive or overactive, it can lead to various health issues. However, incorporating the right foods into our diet can support thyroid health.

It is very nutritious and are able to fulfill the need of iodine for the optimal working of thyroid gland.


Seeds of pumpkin, sunflower and nuts are the rich source of zinc. Low level of zinc leads to thyroid problem. So, by adding these as snacks we can fill our body with zinc.

Nuts and seeds: 

 These fruits are abundant with pectins which help to detoxify body from mercury, one of the most critical metal which is connected to thyroid problems.

Fruits- Apples, Pears and Citrus:

  Acupuncture can relieve menstrual cramps, also it can reduce inflammation.

Legumes and beans:

  Green tea is also known as the metabolism booster, It has catechins, a kind of antioxidant which help the liver to burn out excess fat.

Green tea:

It is one of the amazing food, packed with antioxidants, good fats, fiber and essential nutrients. It is the must-have fruit for those who have an imbalanced functioning thyroid.


By incorporating whole grains like, oats, brown rice, quinoa into your diet, you can provide your body with sustained energy while promoting a healthy metabolism and optimal thyroid health.

Whole grains:

It is rich in calcium and vitamin C, helps the body to boost metabolism. Anything that increases metabolism is beneficial for thyroid patients.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.
