Apr 15, 2024, 05:45 PM IST

8 food items that you should never reheat

Varnika Srivastava

Tea's antioxidants and polyphenols enhance its flavor and health benefits, but reheating can degrade these compounds, potentially affecting taste and potential benefits.


Avoid reheating spinach or other nitrate-rich vegetables, as they can become toxic when heated, releasing harmful carcinogenic effects when processed. Cook only what's needed for the meal.


Reheating cooking oil can compromise its quality and safety, causing toxic fumes and unpleasant food taste. To maintain integrity, use fresh oil each time and avoid multiple reheatings.

Cooking oil

Left-over cooked potatoes can become toxic due to botulism growth. To prevent this, refrigerate uneaten potatoes immediately and store them in multiple plastic containers for faster cooling.


Store cooked rice in the fridge immediately after cooking to prevent bacterial spores from multiplying and causing severe illness, similar to potatoes.


Mushrooms are highly susceptible to microorganisms, so they should be eaten immediately after preparation and stored cold to prevent re-heating.


Beets are nutritious and flavorful, but they are rich in nitrates. Cook only what you'll eat in one sitting or plan to eat them cold.p


Cooked eggs, a nutritious protein source, can cause serious illness when left at or reheated at higher temperatures, damaging the digestive system and causing grossness.


Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.