Dec 7, 2023, 07:58 PM IST

Difference between percent and percentile


The percentage is a numerical figure given out of 100, but the percentile is the proportion of values below a certain value. This is the main distinction between a % and a percentile. The % is a tool for quantity comparison. Position or rank is displayed using a percentile.

What is percentage? As a percentage, which is expressed as a number out of 100, percentages are mathematical quantities. The percentage is represented by the symbol "%". The denominator value of 100 is represented by this symbol. 

Either decimals or fractions can be used to express the percentage. The conventional method of differentiating the quantities for the comparison procedure is with a percentage. It provides details on the proportions and ratio.

Example of percentage A student has achieved a cumulative score of 55% in their mathematical exams if they receive 55 marks out of a possible 100. The student's percentage in the maths exam was 55%.

What is percentile? The percentage of values that fall below a certain set of values is called a percentile. The ranking mechanism mostly uses percentiles. 

Dividing the values' normal distribution into smaller parts is its basis. The symbol for percentile is nth, where n is an integer.

Example of a Percentile  Let's say a student scores in the 80th percentile out of 150 on a test. This helps us comprehend the meaning of the term percentile. 

It indicates that a student who scores 150 on the exam has outperformed 80% of the other students in the class.

Difference between percentile and percentage  A percentile is a mathematical value that represents the percentage that is scored above or below a given percentage. A percentage is an instrument of evaluation that determines numbers out of 100.